Fees for Legal Services

When negotiating fees for legal services, we take into account the technical complexity of the case along with how time consuming the case is. The method of billing is always explained in such a way that the client will be duly informed beforehand about the method and reasons of the calculation.

The fee for legal services can be negotiated in a number of ways.

Our primary way of billing is based on hourly rates with the client receiving a detailed billing statement outlining the services provided in the form of a so called time-sheet.

Another way of billing is based upon a lump sum for the services provided. In this case a precisely detailed list of services to be provided within the flat fee is defined. Any additional work to be performed outside the original agreement will be calculated based on hourly rates, with the stipulation that a previously agreed upon price limit will not be exceeded.

A third option is a success fee where the client provides incentives in the form of a share in the success of the venture. In this case, in order to maintain an objective standpoint to our consulting, an hourly rate supplemented with a success rate is always stipulated.

Our fee is always negotiated individually according to the specifics of a given case. The statutory VAT is added to the fee as well as any compensation for cash expenditures (such as travel expenses, administrative fees, postage, court fees, etc.)

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding our fees. Your satisfaction in this matter is our goal.