Michigan Physician Assistant Practice Agreement

As a Michigan physician assistant, it is important to understand the practice agreement requirements set forth by the Michigan Board of Medicine. A practice agreement is a legally binding document that defines the scope of practice and supervisory relationship between a physician and a physician assistant.

According to the Michigan Board of Medicine, a physician assistant must have a written practice agreement with a supervising physician in order to practice within the state. The agreement must be approved by the Michigan Board of Medicine and must be kept on file at the physician`s primary practice location. The agreement must also be available upon request for inspection by the Michigan Board of Medicine.

The practice agreement must include the following elements:

1. The name and contact information of the physician and physician assistant.

2. The specific scope of practice that the physician assistant is authorized to perform.

3. The definition of the supervisory relationship between the physician and physician assistant, including the frequency and method of communication and the process for review and evaluation of the physician assistant`s performance.

4. The conditions under which the physician assistant may prescribe medications and perform medical procedures.

5. The requirements for continuing education and training for the physician assistant.

6. The contingency plan for when the supervising physician is unavailable.

It is important to note that the physician assistant`s scope of practice must be within the scope of practice of the supervising physician. The physician assistant may not practice independently or perform tasks that are not within the scope of practice of the supervising physician.

In addition, the practice agreement must be reviewed and updated annually. Any changes to the agreement must be approved by the Michigan Board of Medicine.

Failure to comply with the practice agreement requirements can result in disciplinary action, including suspension or revocation of the physician assistant`s license.

In conclusion, as a Michigan physician assistant, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the practice agreement requirements set forth by the Michigan Board of Medicine. This document is an essential component of your practice and must be taken seriously. By following the guidelines outlined in the agreement and keeping it up to date, you can ensure that you are providing safe and effective care to your patients while practicing within the scope of your license.